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Here is a list of what is going on with the membership. We try to verify the information before we post it but do not actively update it. If its not sent to us, we don't know to post it.
Notifications we have received in 2025
Passed away on January 19, 2025 in Tuscon, AZ surrounded by his family. He was 77 yrs old. He was born and raised in St Paul and served with the St Paul Police Department for 30 years, 8 of which he was the Federation President. He retired in 1998. Honsa Funeral Home Obituary
Passed away on January 18, 2025 in Rice Lake, WI. He was 81 yrs old and lived in Birchwood, WI. He served with the St Paul Police Department for 29 years after serving in the Air Force during the Vietnam ERA. Funeral Services will be held on March 1st, 2025 at the Appleyards Home for Funerals at 3:30 pm. Visitation will be held before the service starting at 1:30 pm. Obituary link will be provided once we have it.
Former Police Artist, Paul D. Johnson passed away on December 20, 2024. A visitaiton will be held on January 23, 2025 at 10:00 am, with a service to follow at 11:00 am at Gustavus Adophus Lutheran Church, 1669 Arcade Street in St Paul. Full Obituary here
Sanda Elizabeth Reding, wife of SPPD retiree Thomas Reding and mother of retiree Mark Reding passed away on December 22, 2024. Full Obituary here
Shawn Fillowich passed away on 1/4/25 after a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer. Full obituary here.
Howard J. "Butch" Swintek passed away in Colorado Springs CO. He served 1975 ~2002. Butch was beloved by many and will be missed. You can see the complete obituary by following this link.
Notifications we have received in 2024
Sharon, 82 yrs, beloved wife of SPPD Sgt. Keith Miller, passed away on October 18th after a lengthy battle with dementia.
You can read Sharon's obituary here.
Donald passed away peacefully 5/31/24, he was born December 22, 1935, in St. Paul. He graduated from Marshall High School in 1953. He joined the St. Paul Police Department in 1961 and retired as Sargent in 1986. After retiring from the Police Department, he worked part-time as a Security Officer at United Hospital (Children’s Unit) from 1986-1989 and worked as a Security Guard at West Publishing from 1989-1995. You can see his complete obituary by clicking here.
Reitred Officer Don Pazdernik passed away in Arizona. His celebration of life was held September 8, 2024 at his home in Scottsdale, AZ.
Passed away August 15th, 2024, Bill grew up in Saint Paul, Minnesota, he attended Monroe High School, Class of 1950. He served honorably in the U.S. Army during the Korean conflict. Upon returning to the U.S. he joined the Saint Paul Police Department in 1956 retiring in 1987 after 31 years of service. You can click here for the full obituary.
Joann, 66 yrs., passed away on Friday, July 5th. Joann was the daughter of SPPD Officer Stewart Krey (deceased 1992).
Don L Trooien Sr passed away on peacefully on 7/16/24. Don was preceded in his death by his wife Patricia and died on what would have been their 75th wedding anniversary.
You can read Don's obituary here.
Jim Lannon, 91 yrs., passed away peacefully on Wednesday, June 28th. Loving father of and sadly missed by retired SPPD Officer Molly Lannon.
You can read Jim's obituary here.
Daniel Collier Jr, 52 yrs., died peacefully with his family around him on Wednesday, June 5th.
You can read his full obituary here.
Timothy "Tim" Linder, 55 yrs., died suddenly on Wednesday, June 5th. Son of Retired SPPD Pete & Mary Lou Linder.
You can read Tim's obituary here.
Clem Tucker, 73 yrs., (SPPD 1975-1998) passed away on May 24th in a traffic accident on I-94 near Dale Street. A Go Fund Me page has been set up to assist the family with expenses. Click here to donate.
Sgt. Bill MacDonald, age 80 yrs., (SPPD 1968-1993) passed away on May 31st.
You can read Mac's obituary here.
Richard Drobinski, 91 yrs., (SPPD 1969-1989) passed away in Stillwater, surrounded by family on December 25, 2023.
You can read Richard's obituary here.
Jerry, 81 yrs., (SPPD 1967-1992) passed away on April 27th surrounded by family. Longtime owner of King's Place in Miesville.
You can read Jerry's obituary here.
Florence, 98 yrs., passed away on April 16th in St. Paul. Preceded in death by her loving husband Cecil (SPPD 1957-1981).
You can read Florence's obituary here.
Helen, 90 yrs., passed away on April 9th in Cumberland, WI. Preceded in death by her loving husband Earl (SPPD 1949-1982). You can read Helen's obituary here.
Robert, 71 yrs, son of SPPD officer Leonard Mersch (deceased), passed away on March 27th, surrounded by his children. You can read Robert's obituary here.
Susan, 71 yrs., passed away on March 13th, faithfully attended by her loving husband Robert (SPPD 1977-2002) and family.
Don, age 86 yrs., passed away peacefully on March 10th. He served SPPD from 1964 to 1996.
Roger, 92 yrs, passed away surrounded by family on January 28th. He was preceded in death by the love of his life, Helen and served SPPD from 1957 to 1982 .
Jillian Hager (Dunnom), 32 yrs., passed away unexpectedly on December 21st. Survived by her children Brynn and Beau, husband Karl, siblings, and her loving parents Paul and Janet Dunnom.
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We endeavor to remember those that forged the path that we all follow. We remember them for what they did and who they were. To see the archives click below. Bear with us as we continue to add our history. Currently contains notices from 2002-2023. More will be added as time allows.
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